BarentsKrans has advised KPN B.V. on the acquisition of the shares in Youfone Nederland B.V. and Youfone Zakelijk B.V. Youfone is already active on KPN’s networks and is growing rapidly. With Youfone KPN is strengthening its brand portfolio.
Youfone is a fast-growing and challenging telecom provider with a distinctive brand. With this acquisition, KPN significantly strengthens its position in the mobile and broadband market, especially in the faster growing no-frills segments. KPN and Youfone expect to achieve further growth in the coming years by continuing the efficient business model that Youfone has successfully established. Youfone will continue to operate independently within KPN to ensure that current and future Youfone customers will continue to be served in the familiar way.
The acquisition is still subject to, among other things, approval by the competition authority.
A multidisciplinary BarentsKrans team advised KPN on this acquisition. The M&A team consisted of Michiel Martin, Rhamsey Croes, Thomas van Hövell tot Westervlier, Anne Monique Huijg, Anne-Rieke van der Linden and Feron van Dongen. Also involved in advising were Alexandra Weidner, Celine van Es (Commercial Contracts), Jens Brugman (Intellectual Property & Technology), Tim Raats (EU & Competition) and Inge Wiltink (Real Estate).