Zwanenberg Food Group on acquisition of Unox and Zwan brands from Unilever
20 December 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes

BarentsKrans succesfully advises Zwanenberg Food Group on acquisition of Unox and Zwan brands from Unilever   

As a longtime partner of Unilever, Zwanenberg Food Group, known for its canned meats, snacks, soups, sauces, convenience meals, vegetarian and vegan products, was naturally a perfect candidate when Unilever announced it was contemplating to sell its Unox and Zwan brands. After an intensive period of negotiations, we are proud to announce that Zwanenberg has successfully acquired the Unox and Zwan brands from Unilever.

Sjoerd van der Laan, CEO of Zwanenberg Food Group: “After the acquisition of the Unilever factory in Oss in 2018, taking over Unox and Zwan is a great addition that fits in perfectly with our ambitions. We are a food company that produces private label products as well as branded products. Unox and Zwan are a wonderful extension of our range.

Michiel Martin, Thomas van Hövell tot Westervlier, Niek Klein Beernink and Roeland Pol from the Corporate M&A team assisted. Jaap Bremer and Jan Jacobi advised on the IP aspects. Martijn van der Vliet and Nuray Aslan advised on the Banking & Finance aspects and Laurens De Graaf and Bart de Hek advised on the Employment Law aspects.

Michiel Martin: “We are proud to have Zwanenberg as a long standing client. This is another essential addition to their impressive brand portfolio. I am also proud of our team. This transaction really showcased the full-service strength of our firm.